Request Queso Mama
One of the fastest ways to get a new product into a store is by customer product requests. Managers and buyers want to know the products that you are interested in buying. Below are links to grocery store contact pages for submitting product requests. You can also call to let your store know that you want them to carry Queso Mama. If you do not see your store listed below, simply visit that store’s website and find their contact page.
Tell Publix you want Queso Mama
Tell Trader Joe’s About Queso Mama
Tell Safeway About Queso Mama – For product requests, call toll-free at 1-877-723-3929 or use their contact form
Costco members: please fill out a Customer Feedback Card that can be found at Customer Service on your next visit and request Queso Mama. The Customer Feedback Card can be given directly to a Management Team Member.
Sam’s Club inquiries: please fill out the contact form on their website and request Queso Mama for your location.
Click here to begin
Target – Requests for Queso Mama can also be made at the Target Customer Service Desk.
VONS – For product requests, call toll-free at 1-877-723-3929. Or you use their contact form here.
Albertsons – Call 877-276-9637 or submit through their contact form here.
Kroger – To request that your store carry a particular product, please call Kroger at 1-800-576-4377 or visit their website contact form here.
HEB – Call 1-800-432-3113 or submit through their contact form here.
Piggly Wiggly – Wisconsin and Illinois Customers please submit through their contact form here.
Walmart – If you would like your Walmart location to carry any of our products, please call Walmart’s consumer hotline (1-800-WALMART, 800-925-6278).